Sunday, January 11, 2009


On Thursday I will be attending my yearly basket weaving convention. There will be 155 weavers, weaving for 4 days, what fun we are gonna have. I am so excited, I cannot wait! Every year we make a basket to swap with other weavers and every year I wait until 4 days before the convention to start my basket. Procrastination....It should be my middle name! When I was younger, I remember putting things off til the last I got older I was very good at getting things done way ahead of time. Especially when my girls were younger, hubby was at sea and there wasn't a lot of money to spare. I would plan out everything and everything would be done early. Now, as I have gotten older and the girls are older I have slipped back into that childhood trap of procrastination. It's just like Christmas gifts, we know it will be here every Dec. 25th and we always wait til the last minute to finalize our gifts. My mom is so good, she has everything planned out, she makes a list, she shops early, she is very organized...wish I had that gene! What makes us do that? Why do we or I put off things? Maybe I work better under stress? Maybe I just cannot wrap my mind around the activity until it's here? I don't know. But if I was going to may a New Year's resolution it would be to not procrastinate! Good luck with that! OH, by the way, I did make that basket yesterday and it looks beautiful if I do say so myself!

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