Sunday, June 10, 2012

Men and Their Toys

Today I went out to the airfield to watch my hubby and his buddies fly remote control airplanes.  It was a wonderful weather day today and it was perfect. I arrived to see my hubby sitting on the ground working on his airplane, he looked just like a little boy. As I sat there I looked around and saw about 10 "boys" working on their  toy airplanes. I chuckled to myself. :) Each time you fly there is a "spotter" and the picture I chose for today is of hubby and his good friend the spotter. This friend (if I didn't know better) is his brother. These two men are as they say "Brothers from another Mother".  Hubby and his friend do the same things at the same time, they say the same things and they act the same way. Hubby's friends wife (J), well J and I have become really great friends and she and I always talk about how much these two two men are alike. It's really good that hubby has someone like this to pal around with, to talk with and to just hang with.  Thanks J and hubby for being such good friends to hubby and I. We love you both!

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