We all have many friends and we all have many types of friends. Some friends are in our lives for a short time and for a reason. Some friends are there when you need them and some are just there. I am very fortunate to have a couple of best friends. I must tell you about one. Vicki is my long time best friend. We have known each other since the first grade. Yes, the first grade. We cheered together. We were there when the other had her first date, her first kiss, her wedding and her children. As soon as I was married I moved 1500 miles away, and Vicki was always on the other end of the phone or the other end of the mail when I needed her. I am so lucky to have her in my life. We think alike, we know each other, it's a wonderful thing. When my daughter just left for the Azores, Vicki knew I would be upset and she brightened my day with a basket of flowers. Aren't they beautiful! I know I can count on Vicki for anything. We don't talk every day and sometimes we don't talk every week (especially during tax season, her career) but I know I can call and she's there. Vicki I love you like my sister! PS---to my sister Kelli...I love you too!!!

Thanks Vicki, they did the trick!!
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