My weekend in NC basket weaving was wonderful! 50 members of our local guild attended, guild members won 10 ribbons and 6 won raffles. We all had a great time.
The weekend started out on Wednesday with a nice relaxing ride with my basket friend Billie. She has this slick navigation system in her car that is way too much for me, every time I touched it, it never did what I wanted. Wednesday night we wrapped tables with plastic, it only took about an we are ready for some weaving! Thursday morning we were up and ready, my roomies and me... Marsha and Janet were great roommates. I had great classes, bought lots of new and exciting goodies and even played nurse to Billie when she punctured herself with a weaving tool. (And by the way, she had to get a Tetanus shot and antibiotics on Monday!) Our trip home started out uneventful, then we missed a turn and nope could still not figure out the navigation system, so we turned around and low and be hold saw our missed turn where we were able to correct our error. Wow...the weekend was full of fun, friends and fellowship. I am always excited about going and then always excited to be home. As much as I enjoyed my roomies, I am still in love with my favorite roommate at home...the hubby!!!

Your baskets turned out lovely.