Happy Anniversary to me! Thank you hubby!
Today is my 30th year anniversary. Wow, 30 years...I never thought I would see 30 years...not that I didn't think we would be married this long, but 30 years seems like a very LONG time! And in some respects it is,in many respects it is not. I have a great hubby and he puts up with a lot from me. Now don't be fooled, I put up with much from him, too. It is a work in progress and it has been for the last 30 years. To everyone out there that is working on a marriage, it is a life time work in progress. Neither of us are perfect...Well I would say I am close to perfect...haha.
So the hubby gets a medal for putting up with me for all these years and I receive a medal for putting up with him! Happy Anniversary Hubby...Love you!
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