My family and friends, so sorry for the long time between posts. We've had computer problems, I've been updating the basket website with our major convention brochure and many web pages, I've been totally involved in a million other things. So I have to say I'm Sorry!
One of the best reasons I am on tonight is to tell you very exciting news.....We are going to be Grandparents! Hubby and I are so very excited. #1 daughter (the one that was married in 2011) and son-in-law have made us a little peanut. That's what I'm call him/her until we know the gender. Life is so exciting when you have a baby in the house and to have one at my age...well how more excited can I be? Everyone tells me that being a Grandparent is the best thing in the world. I am starting to experience that now. I see all the little clothes, toys, furniture, gadgets...and I can wait to buy them all! My other thought was, what is this baby going to call me? I'm just not sure, there are so many Grandmas, Granny's, Nannies, mam maw, and a host of other names that are just not me. So I started looking online, do you know how many names for Grandmother there are? A LOT! I thought Bella, (that's Spanish for Grandmother and Beautiful, for my readers who didn't pay attention in Spanish class), then Mimi, G-ma, YaYa, Oma, Lola...but I think I have decided on Gigi. I look like a Gigi, don't you think? Well the due date is Dec. so I still have a little time.
Little Peanut, I'm in love with you already and I haven't even met you! Welcome Little Peanut to the family!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Men and Their Toys
Today I went out to the airfield to watch my hubby and his buddies fly remote control airplanes. It was a wonderful weather day today and it was perfect. I arrived to see my hubby sitting on the ground working on his airplane, he looked just like a little boy. As I sat there I looked around and saw about 10 "boys" working on their toy airplanes. I chuckled to myself. :) Each time you fly there is a "spotter" and the picture I chose for today is of hubby and his good friend the spotter. This friend (if I didn't know better) is his brother. These two men are as they say "Brothers from another Mother". Hubby and his friend do the same things at the same time, they say the same things and they act the same way. Hubby's friends wife (J), well J and I have become really great friends and she and I always talk about how much these two two men are alike. It's really good that hubby has someone like this to pal around with, to talk with and to just hang with. Thanks J and hubby for being such good friends to hubby and I. We love you both!
The Beach
Yesterday I took daughter #2 and her friend to the beach. I absolutely love the beach. The waves crashing up on the sand, the sand between your toes, the view...oh the view. It was a perfect day for the beach. We sat, I walked, we talked, we listened and we baked (don't tell my dermatologist that part). It was the best. We only stayed about 3 hours and then it was time to leave. My all time wish is the live "on the beach". Yes, each day awake to the ocean, each night fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean. Ahhhhhh...what a dream!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Baskets, Baskets and More Baskets...
Yesterday I took pictures of 147 baskets for our annual basket convention. Each year my basket guild has an annual convention and this is the weekend we jury the baskets. So yesterday was my day to take all the pictures. It is always so wonderful to see all the new creations and see from which teachers we receive baskets. We received baskets from 27 basket teachers. What an awesome job I have to take the pictures. I have been taking the pictures for about the last 5 years or so and each year I get just as excited. Opening the first box is just as exciting as opening the last box. These teachers are such artists and they take the time to put a proposal together, to package up their creations and send them off to us. We handle them with care and we do handle each and every one. We love to touch, smell and look at each and every one. So what a great day yesterday was and I am loving looking at the beautiful pictures I have taken!!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Computer Troubles....and update...
Sorry for the long delay in writing, updating my blog, I have had issues getting into this site and my wonderful son-in-law fixed my computer right up this weekend. So thank you son!!!
Today I am headed to my parents overnight and then on to visit a good friend over night.
My sweet girlfriend came into town yesterday, spent the night then headed out to her son's for a few days and I have the pleasure of hanging out with them for a visit. She has had a rough year, fighting ovarian cancer and is now looking wonderful and feeling better every day.
I met my friend 22 years ago, I was pregnant with daughter #2 and she and I met thru our husband's, they both were serving in the Navy. Once meeting, we became inseparable! We have the same interests, the same beliefs and laugh at the same things, what more could you want in a friend? We have been together thru many events in our friendship...birth of my daughter, military deployments, divorce, death of her beautiful mom, graduations and moving apart. It has been about 6 years or so since she moved away and it saddens me every time I really think about it. But with internet, phone and such we can keep up with each other on a regular basis and I pretend she is just around the corner (not 8 hours away). I am so blessed to have a few best friends and I consider her one of the best. Thanks for coming out to visit my friend and thanks for allowing me to visit with you and your son and thanks for always being there for me and being my friend! Love you girlfriend!!!
Sorry for the long delay in writing, updating my blog, I have had issues getting into this site and my wonderful son-in-law fixed my computer right up this weekend. So thank you son!!!
Today I am headed to my parents overnight and then on to visit a good friend over night.
My sweet girlfriend came into town yesterday, spent the night then headed out to her son's for a few days and I have the pleasure of hanging out with them for a visit. She has had a rough year, fighting ovarian cancer and is now looking wonderful and feeling better every day.
I met my friend 22 years ago, I was pregnant with daughter #2 and she and I met thru our husband's, they both were serving in the Navy. Once meeting, we became inseparable! We have the same interests, the same beliefs and laugh at the same things, what more could you want in a friend? We have been together thru many events in our friendship...birth of my daughter, military deployments, divorce, death of her beautiful mom, graduations and moving apart. It has been about 6 years or so since she moved away and it saddens me every time I really think about it. But with internet, phone and such we can keep up with each other on a regular basis and I pretend she is just around the corner (not 8 hours away). I am so blessed to have a few best friends and I consider her one of the best. Thanks for coming out to visit my friend and thanks for allowing me to visit with you and your son and thanks for always being there for me and being my friend! Love you girlfriend!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#18
Happy 92nd birthday to my wonderful Grandfather! I am so proud to be his granddaughter. This gentleman served in WWII and survived a POW camp. He has been married to his bride, my grandmother for almost 74 years...can you believe that? 74 years with the same person? I have so many childhood memories of vacation spent with my grandparents, many holidays, many nights spent at their house. I am very blessed to have them both still in my life and blessed that they have been able to meet my hubby and children. What a great life I have and what a great life I have with my Grandfather and Grandmother in it! Happy Birthday Granddaddy, I love you!!
A Picture a Day for a Year-#17

We have tickets to the Admirals Hockey playoff game. We are sooooo excited. I have never really been a hockey fan and this year we have gotten into it, our friends have purchased the tickets, so we are ready. The Admirals have won 28 in a row and now with playoffs just around the corner they should be ready! Did you know one of my goals is to ride on the Zamboni? Each time it comes around the ice, I want to run out there and jump on. So Sunday when I was at the beach walking, the Zamboni was there on the boardwalk promoting the Admirals game. I wanted to run up to it, but children were around, so I kept me cool, took a picture and walked away. Darn it....if only...darn...I could have had that mad rush and taken the Zamboni for a ride...hmmmmmm
A Picture a Day for a Year-#16
Poor Minnie, one of my granddogs, is sick. She is the cutest little 5 pounds of dog you ever want to see. Her Momma was up with her for two days and had to take her in to the Dr. today. She was put on meds and will be fine in a few days. Infection and allergic reaction to something. Now this is very good training for Daughter #1 and hubby to experience the staying up all night and dealing with a sick day they will be dealing with that too! Get better Minnie...Love you!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#15
Today was a beautiful day in our area. I awoke to the birds chirping and the sun shining. The hubby and I had to go out to our friends house today so I knew I would have to hurry this morning. Hurry why you ask? I needed a walk at the beach! And a walk is what I took. It was a great walk. The sun was out, the wind was mild, the people were everywhere and it was glorious! Until I arrived back to my car...and yes on my windshield was a parking ticket! What a parking ticket? For 10 minutes over the time for the meter. I did pay the meter and I did go over the time and I will pay the twelve dollars. Thanks city for my ticket, I gotcha back for that twelve dollars. It was a wonderful walk though!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#14
I am having a great hair day. Ladies don't you feel 100% better when you have a great hair day? Not sure why that is, but it is the truth. I woke up, went for a walk, the birds were out in full force this morning and it was a beautiful sunny morning. Then showering and getting ready for my day and poof my hair just magically styled like I like it with no trouble. Could it be that this is my day? Could it be my new shampoo? Could it just be that after all the years I can finally make it look good? Don't know and don't made my day and hope you have a great hair day yourself! It doesn't take much to make me happy! Apparently!!
A Picture a Day for a Year-#13

Today a co-worker lost every material item he owned in a fire. He escaped with the pj's he was wearing and that was it. I woke this morning to hear of the fire on the news, 2 elderly people were killed and about 12 condos were completely destroyed. What a horrific site the pictures were. I keep thinking of my co-worker and how horrible it must be to think he has nothing, no phone, no computer, no keys, no wallet, no clothes, nothing. Just sit back and think about all the material things we all have and then think about not having one item. Wow. On the other hand you must be thankful that he and others were not killed and pray for the families of the deceased. The couple that died, were born on the same day, and married and died together. My co-worker has a young daughter and she must have been with her mother, so that was a blessing. It does make you think. Today's picture is of the most important things to family.
A Picture a Day for a Year-#12
Walking to running. I have developed a passion for running over the last few years. Two years ago I ran my first 5K. Over the last about 6 months I have not been doing much and about a week ago I decided I needed to do something. I feel just blah...and running helps send those blahs away. Today it is a beautiful day so I was able to get out and run. There was more walking than running...but I am grateful I could get out there and do my 3 miles and enjoy myself. I will be signing up for more 5K's very soon, it's a great motivator. And I now have a high school friend that is keeping up with me on face book and motivating me. Thanks Mary! Here's a picture of my shadow self. See ya on the road or at the gym!!
A Picture a Day for a Year-#11
Junk, junk, come when my daughter cleans her room, it all ends up in my room? Daughter #2 decided to clean out her closet and clean up her room. She found 3 bags of "stuff" that she didn't need anymore. I come home and it's all in my basket my basket room needs it's own cleaning and she's adding more "stuff" to it. Well at least she cleaned, I keep threatening to bring a back hoe up in here to clean..:) And today I just received a notice that the DAV will be by next week to pick up my junk, umm.. my "stuff"...One woman's junk is another woman's treasure!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#10
I am a basket weaver...those that know me, know that I love to weave. Eleven years ago, I went to a basket meeting and met the most amazing people I have ever known. They are creative, true artist, funny, sweet, friendly and every other wonderful adjective you can think. The group welcomed me like I was one of the family and I have never forgotten that. Now, just like families, there are times where we may get on each others nerves, but in the end, I know I can count on them. This past weekend was an event that I attended, where I displayed my creations and while weaving, talked to those interested in my craft. It's a small gathering of guilds from all over our area. Blacksmith, quilters, knitters, spinners, beaders, wood turners, master gardeners and bee keepers were all there with us, basket weavers. It is such a joy to talk to people who are as passionate about their craft as I am. Here's a picture of me, my display and my huge smile! And I wore that smile all day long. Any day weaving is a great day!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
A Picture A Day For A Year #9
Today, I attended the funeral of a friends husband . He was only 65 yrs young and he had cancer. His cancer was found about six months or so ago and he fought a great fight ...but it was too much for him and on April 3rd he went to be an angel . My friend is one of my basket friends . I have never met her husband but the kind words spoken today really make me wish I had known him. The many people in attendance! today really showed the love this gentleman had for his family, friends and his Lord. I will keep my friend in my prayers and hope she and her family will find some peace and comfort in the days to come. To my friend love you D, I'm here if you need me.
There will be no picture today, you see I'm writing this from my husbands iPad as he has been on my computer all night no picture!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#8
Happy Easter. Today the kids and grand dogs came over for Easter dinner tonight. What a joy it is to have them here. There is noise in the house and that is always fun. Normally, we go to my parents for Easter dinner, but this year we changed things up and stayed here. Dinner, a movie and banana pudding. Great night for all. Happy Easter everyone. (Sorry flower pictures again, I can't stop taking them! My Azaleas are beautiful this year, you will probably see them again!)
Saturday, April 7, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#7

The Admirals win 25 in a row!!! Whoohooooo!!!!
We just returned home from the Admirals Hockey game, and they won #25. It was a very exciting game. This is my third game. Never been a big hockey fan and about two years ago friends invited us to a game, well I loved it. The action, the fights, the skating, the skill...I love it. This year we have only been a couple times and they have been very fast, action packed games. I love to people watch while see everything at a game. The crazies, the drunks, the intense fan, the kids, the parents, everyone from all walks of life. An inexpensive night to have great fun. Go Admirals...the playoffs are next and we are on your side!!!
Friday, April 6, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#6

Beautiful Daughter #2 and my Grand Dogs
Tonight was Friday Night/Movie Night. Beatufiul daughter #1, my grand dogs and myself had pizza (well the dogs didn't have pizza, silly), we watched the movie "Brides Maids". A very crazy, funny movie. It was really nice sitting around talking to my daughter while just doing nothing. It's been a very long, long week at work,so I needed some daughter time and some grand dog time, and that is exactly what I had tonight! A perfect start to my weekend......
Thursday, April 5, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#5
Isn't my baby pretty?
Today, I was driving home from work and all I could think about was the "crappy" traffic. The last two days the traffic has been horrible. And no matter what route home I take, I choose the WRONG route. This week I have been driving my beautiful red Mustang...yes it is a beauty! I do love my pretty car, but today in all that traffic, boy was my left knee hurting...I'm not used to that clutch! Yes a can you not have a clutch in a red sports car? That would be absurd!!
My hubby surprised me with the car on our 28th wedding anniversary. I really think he bought the car for himself...well matter of fact I'm sure!! That's ok, I got a pretty car and I get to drive it any time I want, or I should say any time it's nice weather, not raining, wind isn't bad, pollen isn't blowing and I'm not carrying my baskets! Yeah, sure he bought it for me. Happy Thursday everyone...til tomorrow, hope the traffic is better... :)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#4
Wine, Wine, Wine....need a little cheese with that? HAHA... Over the last few years I have come to learn to love a glass of wine, every now and then. I received this wine glass as a gift and it totally describes me..."Queen of Everything". I accept the honor. :) Hope you get to enjoy a glass of wine and maybe a little cheese and relax. We just don't relax enough cheers to you and relax!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#3
Happy Anniversary to me! Thank you hubby!
Today is my 30th year anniversary. Wow, 30 years...I never thought I would see 30 years...not that I didn't think we would be married this long, but 30 years seems like a very LONG time! And in some respects it is,in many respects it is not. I have a great hubby and he puts up with a lot from me. Now don't be fooled, I put up with much from him, too. It is a work in progress and it has been for the last 30 years. To everyone out there that is working on a marriage, it is a life time work in progress. Neither of us are perfect...Well I would say I am close to perfect...haha.
So the hubby gets a medal for putting up with me for all these years and I receive a medal for putting up with him! Happy Anniversary Hubby...Love you!
Monday, April 2, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#2
Happy First Anniversary to my wonderful children...a year ago today, my beautiful daughter married her handsome prince. This has been a great year for the two of them. Great jobs, two darling four-legged, furry children, new car and just enjoying each other's company. I am so excited to see what the future holds for these two.
Happy Anniversary, we love you!!!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
A Picture a Day for a Year-#1
I recently read a post from a friend that said she had been posting a picture a day since the beginning of the new year and I wondered could I do that? Yes, I can! I decided that day to start posting things I see, weave, love, like, enjoy and any thing else that pops in the way during my day. Then a year later, I'll go back over them and see what kind of year it has been.
Today's picture is my front azalea bush. It is blooming beautiful this year, all my azalea's are in bloom and beautiful. It is a bit early, but this year has been very warm, so everything is in bloom. Happy April's Fool Day and hope no one played a trick on you!
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Change in eating habits...
Last week we found out the hubby is diabetic. He went for his yearly check up and with blood work it was found that he is just over the numbers for a diabetic. So, he must change his eating habit, which means I will be changing my eating habits...and learning to cook all over again. The hubby has been a junk food junkie and he has always been one. With this new change does come adjustment. The whole's all so confusing.
This week the hubby and I meet with a nutritionist and hopefully she will start us on the right track.
Almost 30 years ago I said the words, "in sickness and in health", now those vows are being tested. i am here to do what is necessary to do. Now of course the hubby is "of age" and he can make the choices he makes while out of the house, but while in the house and when I am cooking he will make the "correct" choice, my choice. :)
I'll keep you posted on the progress.
This week the hubby and I meet with a nutritionist and hopefully she will start us on the right track.
Almost 30 years ago I said the words, "in sickness and in health", now those vows are being tested. i am here to do what is necessary to do. Now of course the hubby is "of age" and he can make the choices he makes while out of the house, but while in the house and when I am cooking he will make the "correct" choice, my choice. :)
I'll keep you posted on the progress.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Hair, hair, hair....what do I do about it? It's long now and I'm trying to decide...short, long, do I want to cut my hair? I need something, not sure what, but I need something. I plan to call my girl tomorrow and make an appointment to do something....that's a word I keep saying "something".
My hubby is really great about my hair styles, because I have had sooo many hair styles in our 32 years together. And hubby doesn't say anything about my hair. He is good with whatever style I choose. I've had short, dyed, long, medium, curls, straight...I've had them all! Oh except Red. :) So when I figure out my new style, I'll post and let you know. Hope it's a good style...Tammy look out I'm calling you!!!!
My hubby is really great about my hair styles, because I have had sooo many hair styles in our 32 years together. And hubby doesn't say anything about my hair. He is good with whatever style I choose. I've had short, dyed, long, medium, curls, straight...I've had them all! Oh except Red. :) So when I figure out my new style, I'll post and let you know. Hope it's a good style...Tammy look out I'm calling you!!!!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Last night I found out a friend's baby was born at 21 weeks and passed away. The little 14.2oz beautiful baby boy was born and lived for 2 hours. As elegant as his mother wrote, "he was born and we held him until the Lord took him home." How precious is that. She is a truly, remarkable woman. She has two children at home, a husband and a full time job. I have seen my friend light up a the mention of her children. She was so looking forward to welcoming this child in the world with her new husband. We wonder some times why life is so difficult. We just do not know. Events in our life make up who we become, how we act, who we love and how we live. I pray that my friend and her family will be able to grieve for their loss and then celebrate the new chapter for him, an Angel with God. My friend, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
It's been a rainy, cool day here in Virginia and I decided after a great workout that I needed to use the inside day wisely. After going into my basket room I realized it needed a HUGE makeover. And that is just what it is in the process of getting. I have spent about 5 hours in there cleaning, throwing away, organizing, moving and more throwing away. I came out with three big bags of trash, and lots more space. With all that I saw today, I realized I really have a ton of projects waiting for me. I'm really happy about the way it turned out. Tomorrow I have about another hour or so and I should be totally finished. Then I can get on the ball and make all those gifts for this year. I'm still trying to make my New Year's Resolutions and I think organizing my house has to be on the top of the list. As I look in each room, closet, drawer and all around, there is something that needs a few minutes of my time to tidy up. With all that said, I will start again tomorrow and clean, straighten, move, throw away and make it pretty...that's my new plan.
Hope you have a plan, what's your New Years Resolution? I am interested to hear.
Good night...
Hope you have a plan, what's your New Years Resolution? I am interested to hear.
Good night...
Thursday, January 19, 2012
January Blah's
Today has been one of those blah you ever get that feeling? Am I tried, am I blue, am I stressed, am I? I just don't know. I am feeling like I'm coming down with a cold or something. The last few days I have felt tired and today I noticed two cold sores appearing on my lower lip...dang them. Now I'm feeling sluggish and my lip will look crazy...oh well I know it's temporary. And oh tomorrow I am meeting with one of the big bosses at work...crap, I wonder if I have enough lipstick to cover this I have the right clothes? No jeans Friday for me, oh, I forgot to dye my hair...oh man, I better get off here and figure out everything for tomorrow...good night for now.....
Monday, January 2, 2012
Welcome 2012!!!!
Happy New Year Everyone! Another year has come and gone and we welcome 2012. So what's coming in 2012..I always wonder what the new year has in store. We can never predict the future. New Years Eve we had friend and our kids over for a nice seafood dinner (except for the Chicken nuggets for my son in law, who doens't eat seafood, have you ever heard of such nonsense? no seafood!) It was a fun night. The kids stayed til about 10 and then they all left to do their own thing and our friends stayed until 1230, just long enough to ring in the new year. I have high hopes for this year. This is the year I hit the big 50, and I'm going to make it my year all year long! I've been thinking a lot about that, turning 50 I mean, so this year is my year! And what do I want to do today? Hmmm...not really sure, see I get to pick and can't even figure out what to do. So while I decide, you all have a wonderful 2012!!!! Love and happiness to all.
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