Saturday, May 15, 2010

Running.....and Happy Birthday to Me!!

This morning I completed my first 5K....3.2 my neighborhood, not an official run, but official for me! Yesterday was my birthday...I turned.... (shhh, 48) can you believe it? did I get this age? It seems like yesterday that I was 18, 28 and even 38...OK so maybe the older I get the less I remember, is that it? No not really...I think age is a state of mind. I don't feel 48, but then again what does 48 feel like? I am in better shape than I have been in many years, I am running and exercising and enjoying life a bit more these days. Not worrying about the things I cannot control. Life is truly wonderful these days. One great hubby, two great daughters, a great son-in-law to be, family that I love, great friends, a great job and great boss. What more could I ask for? So I don't ask. As the new year came in this year I made a goal for myself to run a that I'm going to sign up for an official race and do it...or should I say run it! I'm so excited....I have never been the athletic one, oh I cheered, but back when I cheered, we were the pretty ones, not the athletic ones like the young ladies today. I have taken exercise classes over the years and worked out here and there...but never committed to something...finally it sunk in...not sure it that I'm more mature now and accept the challenge? Hmmmm...not sure...but I do love it and enjoy the time out there on the pavement. A friend at work is running and he and I compare stories about our aches, pains, our runs, our's nice to have someone to discuss this with. He's training for a marathon, me just a 5K...but to me a 5K will be a marathon....and can't wait...gonna research it now and sign myself up. So get out there, make a goal for yourself and do it...just do it.
And Happy Birthday to Me!!! I am loving this life!!!

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