Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus! Today was a wonderful day spent with my family. The morning started off with a delicious breakfast cooked by my Mom and myself. I tried a new recipe for Cinnamon Rolls, out of the cookbook from the Pioneer Woman. They turned out to be a HUGE hit. Yeah, me!!! After dinner, our daughters' arrived to spend the day with us. They both are not feeling well today, I hope they are feeling better soon. About the time they arrived all the family started to parade into the home (my childhood home) of my parents. Once the entire crew arrives the chaos begins. Children running around, everyone talking at the same time and the smell of food!!! That's the best part.. hehe. We all gathered to eat the food we all prepared and then it was time to open gifts. The kids wait so patiently and then the time has finally arrived...the opening of the gifts. That lasted about 10 minutes, a whole year of planning, making, buying and wrapping and the whole thing is over so fast. But the look on the children's faces, it was perfect. Everyone loved their gifts and fun was had by all. That was about the time we all looked outside and the snow was falling heavily. This is the first snow on Christmas we have had since the early 90's I think. It was beautiful, but we (and the daughters) could not be snowed in there, so the hubby hustled us all in our cars and we headed for our two hour drive home. It was a snowy, long, cold ride, but we made it without any problems. So now I sit here, thinking about our day and also watching for our snow. Thank you Lord for a great day and Happy Birthday Jesus!!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas Eve 2010 to everyone. It's been a great holiday season so far. All the gifts are bought, wrapped and ready for delivery. The food gifts are cooked and delivered and now at my Parents home enjoying time with family and friends. My holiday weekend started with a visit with two longtime friends from high school. You know the wonderful Facebook social network, it allowed me to hook back up with two special ladies and we were able to spend a few hours together talking about the past and present. What a great gift they are and what a great gift I was given. Today I had lunch with my best friend in the whole world. It is our tradition that my BFF and I have lunch on Christmas Eve every year. We went out, sat, ate, talked and just enjoyed each others company. My second wonderful gift of the season! The rest of today will be spent cooking, and attending Church tonight with my Mother-in-law. Then in the wee hours of the night Santa will appear with his sleigh full of gifts and I sure hope he unloads here. :) Tomorrow will be a wild frenzy of family, gifts and food. I cannot wait! My hubby and children will all be here along with parents, grand parents, brothers, sisters and children. Children, it's what Christmas is all about! My wish this Christmas season is for all my family and friends to enjoy this Christmas season and remember those not with us. Have a blessed season everyone!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Shopping Frenzie.....
Christmas shopping for me is the worst...I love the giving, I love the holiday, I love the cooking, I love my family, I just hate the shopping. I make my list, check it twice (hehe), then head out to the stores. I walk around aimlessly not knowing what to get. Some of my family members are really easy to buy a gift for, then I have the others that I just cannot find the hubby! So today I treated myself to a massage, a walk on the beach and then was going to tackle the rest of my shopping. Getting out to the store, walking around and then nothing. I bought a couple little things and then just could not get into it. When it started to rain, that was my cue to come home. Sitting around the house I finally decided to get online and see what I could find and whooohoooo I found many things and purchased many just hope they all arrive on my door step. As the hubby arrived home I explained to him my wonderful hours of shopping :) and told him many packages will be arriving and he is not to open a one! Each and every year we all know when Christmas is going to arrive, the date never changes. Each and every year I try to find items through out the year for gifts, but I'm never ahead of the game. Once in my lifetime I hope to be able to make each gift for my family members. If I would get my act together early in the year, then maybe I could...hmmm...well there is always next year. And everyone don't worry your gift this year will be purchased and wrapped by Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to everyone! Happy Shopping!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving, What are you thankful for?
Every year Thanksgiving comes and I reflect on all that I am thankful family, my friends, my wonderful life. This year is no exception. I have the best family that God has granted anyone. They are there whenever I need them and when I don't! :) My friends are put in that same category, the best God has granted. I have a great job, great place to live and I have perfect Grand dogs! I know that life has it's ups and downs. Marriage has it's ups and downs. Family and friends have their ups and downs. And I am thankful for it all. Thank you God for giving me all that I have and all that I love. Happy Thanksgiving to you all, take a moment out of your day to thank your family and friends...and don't forget our Veterans...they deserve our thanks.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Basketweaving Week
This past week I attended a week of weaving baskets in NC. We had a fabulous couple that taught the Nantucket style weaving. There were 8 of us, 5 from VA, 1 from PA and 2 from FL. We made 52 baskets and repaired 3. What a great time it was. The week started out with a nice 4 1/2 hour drive. The weather was perfect! We arrived to see our beautiful condo overlooking the Atlantic that's what I call a view! Laying down each night and rising each morning to the sound and sight of the Atlantic is my kinda vacation! For the next 6 days we arrived at our teachers home with smiles, sore fingers and ready for more weaving. Lunches were eaten at a wonderful little country cooking hometown feel restaurant on the water. We watched shrimp boats coming and going. Evenings were a mish-mash of dinners at our teachers home and dinners are our condo. All my roommates and myself brought something, which made the dinners extra special. We ate wayyyy tooo well! :) We had a few little mishaps. My nickname became the murderer, I hit a possum headed back to the condo one night. He ran in front of the van, I hit the brakes and thought he would dart back across the road and well he went to possum heaven. I'm sorry Mr. Possum hope you are in possum heaven running around...but stay out of the road! Another little mishap was our windshield wiper came off as we were driving down the road. We "twist tied" it back on until we could buy a new one and now all is fixed. My roommates were great fun and very easy to be around. We drank many bottles of wine, one of our ladies brought many bottles of her homemade wine...delish! I did get to do some walking and running on the beach, my favorite thing to do! And as the week was winding down, I developed a sinus infection...but was still able to take part in the final days of weaving. We are officially home and officially getting back to reality. Why can't I be independently wealthy? Oh well, life is great and I am enjoying every minute of it!
Thanks again to my roomies for a great week and thanks you Mr. and Mrs. K for a wonderful week. Cannot wait til next year!!!!
Thanks again to my roomies for a great week and thanks you Mr. and Mrs. K for a wonderful week. Cannot wait til next year!!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Wow, it's been a while since I last posted, lots has been going on. This weekend my Mom and best friend, Vicki were in town to walk the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Walk. We had a great time. They arrived on Friday night, we just chatted until bedtime. Saturday morning we awoke early to be on time for the race. The day was chilly and very windy but the walk was very heart warming! All those people there to support a cause that has hit many families and friends. When my Mom told us 20 years ago that she had cancer and she was going to fight it and win...well she did just that! We are so proud of her and her fight! Seeing people there at the walk in various stages of their fight brings tears to your eyes. I pray that each and every one of them fight and win! After the walk on Saturday we enjoyed each other's company. Saturday night lots of fun was had by all at our monthly Bunko. I play Bunko with a super great group of ladies and the night was complete having Mom and Vicki there. This morning, Sunday, my daughter's came home, had breakfast with us all and then Mom and Vicki left. I was sad to see them leave and then just walked around not knowing what to do next. Of course I found many things to keep me busy. With it being football season, well that's all I have on during Sunday. Happy October to you all and remember cancer is a terrible disease and let's all keep up the fight. Love you Mom and Vicki!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Summer Vacation 2010
This year we did it again, our Annual Summer Vacation with the entire family at our local beach. We've been taking a family vacation of this sort for over 25 years and this year was no different. For hubby and I it's only a 45 minute ride, for the rest of my family it's about 2 1/2 hours. We all arrive with big smiles and tons of food! If nothing else, we eat very well that week! Loads and loads of bags of food, luggage, beach chairs, floats, toys and anything else we could fit in the truck was hauled up the stairs, one by one. This year in attendance were my parents, brother, his wife and two children, sister, her hubby and two children, my youngest brother, my hubby and two daughters. So we had quite the crowd! I am so very proud that I have a family that enjoys being together, there is no fighting, no arguing and no drama. What a fun time we have. We do enjoy just hanging out on the beach or by the pool and just relaxing. Isn't that what a vacation is all about, relaxing? We did our share of it. Long walks on the beach, long runs along the beach, great seafood and long sleepful nights. This year there was even time for some basket weaving. My Mom and two Sisters did a great job! Oh and a couple to spend time with my daughters, time with my niece and three nephews and my bro-in-law and I were the first day's Cornhole Winners! So yes it was a great vacation and I cannot wait for the next one!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Mini Working Vacation
Last week I had to go to Charleston for meetings and decided to take the hubby. The meeting was attended by three of us from my office and we brought our spouses. Charleston is such a beautiful city that I was very excited. The hubby and I left on Monday morning and drove the red Mustang. Hubby had washed, cleaned, buffed and shined the Mustang for the trip. We packed, left and drove about 7 hours to our hotel in Charleston. One of my co-workers had arrived and he, his wife and hubby and I all went to dinner at a little quaint place. The next day we were picked up by the boss man and headed to the first of three days of meetings. Our meetings went great, I met many people that I needed to meet. The evenings were met with great dinners. What a nice time that was...other than the heat, it was really cool. I was worried that the hubby would be bored, but not him, he exercised and toured the city each day. The last night there was really cool..we took a carriage ride through downtown historic Charleston, after the carriage ride, we (four of us) went to dinner at a really neat little pub. Dinner and drinks all night long, we had way too much fun! On this trip I learned a lot about my co-workers. He and his wife were so much fun. On Friday we left Charleston, my work was complete. Hubby and I drove to Myrtle Beach for a few hours then headed north. As I was looking at the map I decided we should drop by Wrightsville Beach. What a neat little area. After three hotel stops, we finally found a room. After checking in to the beautiful Holiday Inn, we changed clothes and walked to dinner. It was about a mile walk until we found this very busy seafood restaurant, after being told it would be a 45 min to 1 hour wait, we went to this great little Mexican restaurant, Tower 7. It was so busy we sat at the bar, which was really nice. We had dinner and drinks and it was delish! After dinner, a little souvenir shopping and then the hike back to the hotel. We had a really nice night. The next morning we left and headed to Swansboro to visit my favorite Marine. This retired Marine has been a good friend of ours for many years. We don't get to see him and his wife often, this was a great treat. After hanging out with them we decided to stay the night. Sunday morning it was time to come home. Our trip home was uneventful. It is always good to take a trip and it is always good to come home. Had a really nice time exploring the east coast from South Carolina to Virginia and cannot wait to do it again!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
My First 5K and Happy 4th of July

Today was the day, I did it, I ran my first 5K run. It was soooo incredibly exciting! Crossing the finish line...I did it!!!! Let me back up a bit, you know I have been training for a 5K and just have not been able to actually sign up. I have searched the local races, thought I would sign up for this race or that race and just never made the commitment. Friday I was watching our local morning news channel and one of the anchors mentioned an Independence Day race benefiting the YMCA and the best part was you could sign up the day of the race. I thought a moment, OK maybe I will, maybe I won't. I still could not commit. Then I told my sister I was going to do it, well after you tell someone you have to go through with it! I would have looked like silly had I not. I told hubby and he was all for it. The hard part was going to be waking up so early, we needed to by there around 6:30am to register. Then Saturday night we attended the Tidewater Tides Baseball Game. Fun game and the Tides won, well the game didn't get over until around 10:30-11:00 pm, then a nice fireworks show, then the drive home and then trying to sleep. The anticipation was getting to me, I saw the clock hit 1:00am! My alarm went off at 5:00am and I was awake and nervous. After showering, makeup, hair, light breakfast and a few trips to the ladies room, I was ready to go. Hubby asked, "why are you doing your makeup and hair?" My reply, "Two reasons, pictures and you never know who you might see!" We drove over to the YMCA, I registered and then waited, and that was getting to me. Finally it was time to line up and get ready for the start. The gun was fired and the bunch of us started running. I remember that everything I read was to not pace yourself with everyone, you can burn your energy really quick. I kept playing that in my head, so I was the slow girl in the back for about the first mile. Then the second and third mile I was moving up the line, I kept my continued pace and kept saying, "I just want to cross the finish line!" And in 36.25 minutes I did it! I really did it! Hubby was waiting there so proud and taking pictures for me. I really am proud of myself. I have never been a runner and then a friend motivated me to start training. I put my mind to it and I did it! I told hubby on the way home, "Now I want to sign up for another one!" On my goodness, we have created a monster! And I'm loving it!!! Happy 4th of July Everyone...I am proud to be an American!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Weaving Mini-Vacation
Wow, it's been a while since I last has been a bit crazy!! Today I am getting ready to go on a mini-vacation in the in the mountains of Virginia. I love the mountains!! I 'm taking my camera and hope to get some really good shots of the beautiful scenery. The real reason I'm headed there is to weave. Three basket cases and I are headed that way to meet up with a few other basket cases to weave for a few days. I really enjoy the company of my basket friends, they truly are the best people I know! I'll be sure to post a picture or two of my travel and creations. Have a happy, wonderful day and weekend to all!
And to my Father, my Husband and all the Fathers out there, Happy Father's Day...I love you all!
And to my Father, my Husband and all the Fathers out there, Happy Father's Day...I love you all!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Running.....and Happy Birthday to Me!!
This morning I completed my first 5K....3.2 my neighborhood, not an official run, but official for me! Yesterday was my birthday...I turned.... (shhh, 48) can you believe it? did I get this age? It seems like yesterday that I was 18, 28 and even 38...OK so maybe the older I get the less I remember, is that it? No not really...I think age is a state of mind. I don't feel 48, but then again what does 48 feel like? I am in better shape than I have been in many years, I am running and exercising and enjoying life a bit more these days. Not worrying about the things I cannot control. Life is truly wonderful these days. One great hubby, two great daughters, a great son-in-law to be, family that I love, great friends, a great job and great boss. What more could I ask for? So I don't ask. As the new year came in this year I made a goal for myself to run a that I'm going to sign up for an official race and do it...or should I say run it! I'm so excited....I have never been the athletic one, oh I cheered, but back when I cheered, we were the pretty ones, not the athletic ones like the young ladies today. I have taken exercise classes over the years and worked out here and there...but never committed to something...finally it sunk in...not sure it that I'm more mature now and accept the challenge? Hmmmm...not sure...but I do love it and enjoy the time out there on the pavement. A friend at work is running and he and I compare stories about our aches, pains, our runs, our's nice to have someone to discuss this with. He's training for a marathon, me just a 5K...but to me a 5K will be a marathon....and can't wait...gonna research it now and sign myself up. So get out there, make a goal for yourself and do it...just do it.
And Happy Birthday to Me!!! I am loving this life!!!
And Happy Birthday to Me!!! I am loving this life!!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Flower Gardens.....
Saturday was a wonderful weather day and I took complete advantage of it. Stayed out in the yard, cleaning out the flower beds. The winter has been very tough on my flowers this year. With a couple floods and the snowy weather, they were a complete mess. So yesterday was the day. I was on my hands and knees pulling weeds for most of the morning. By noon my flower gardens were look quite pretty. A trip to Lowe's for dirt, mulch and a few more flowers (which I couldn't resist)will complete the package. OH and by the way, don't tell hubby how much I spent at Lowe's, please. :) Today is our monthly basket guild meeting, I really thought about skipping it and spending the day in the dirt, but.......the Pres called and said she might need to leave early, so as your Vice Pres, I must take on that duty....I think I still have an hour or two to play in the dirt and then just enough time to "make it to the church on time" haha. Have a great Sunday all and I'll post a few pics of my flower gardens when they are finally done.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday...don't you just love them? The anticipation of the weekend, a day off, the jam packed day of errands and just hanging around. Fridays is one of my favorite days. When you are working on Friday that feeling of ok, it's the last day at work and when I get to go home...awww two days off. Now when you take Friday the weekend just gets better and better. I work for a company that has an alternate work schedule, every other Friday we have off. And you would be amazed how wonderful it has turned out to be! I schedule so many things on that day. Then on Saturday and Sunday I can play! Right now my flower beds are in need of major attention, so my plan is to tackle them this weekend. I am getting all my running around and cleaning done today and then tomorrow and Sunday play in the yard. We will see if my plan can be executed correctly. But you know I must be flexible, because something will come up and then plans will be changed! Have a great day all my friends and hope to see you outside this weekend! Oh and call me if plans change! :)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Jackson...Good Bye
On April 19, 2010, we said good bye to our beloved, faithful Jackson. It has been a very tough week for us all. I have cried more this week than in years. Let me give you the details....on Thursday of last week we noticed that Jackson was not eating well and it was getting harder and harder for him to walk. On Saturday I went to Richmond and the hubby said Jackson did not much eat that day. Sunday was my Grandfather's 90th birthday party, my hubby drove up for the day. Our neighbor checked in on Jackson and Jackson was not doing well. When we arrived home I could look at him and tell it was very serious. He would not get up and was not eating at all. Hubby and I knew what Monday would bring and we made sure our girls said their good byes that night. It was a very sad night with many tears. We slept in the living room, on the floor with Jackson. He wanted to go outside a few times, and then was so weak that he would lay down in the yard,unable to get up. Hubby had to carry him back into the house. It was so hard to see him like that. I spoke with the vet and he asked that we come into the office on Monday morning and he was so comforting and offered help during the night, if needed. We knew what Monday would bring and we were so upset over it. Monday morning we picked up our sweet dog and put him in the hubby's truck and as I rode in the back with him I continued to pet him and just talk to him. His eyes were so tired and I could tell he was in pain. As we sat in the room the vet had prepared for us I could not help but think of all the fun times I have had with the "found" puppy. He has brought so much joy to our lives over the 13 years. As I sat on the floor and he took his last breath all I could do was hold him and cry. And I was crying for me, not him....he was not scared, and I knew he was in a better place.
Yesterday I went to the vets office and picked up Jackson's ashes. And to my surprise the vet had made a paw print in plaster. I couldn't contain my tears, it was so good to see something that was him...that I could touch and know he had touched it. Does that sound silly? Crazy? I don't know, but it has given me comfort. Jackson is back home with us, where he belongs. We will miss you my sweet dog, I love you and know that you are chasing the squirrels in heaven! Oh and be sure to say "woof" to Sandy, she was our first dog and she is missed too.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Running-who knew????
All my life I have always wanted to be a runner. I would drive or walk down the road and see the runners pass me and wish that was me. As I have gotten more "mature" I have decided to set some goals and running has been on the top of that list. So about 6 months ago I decided it was time to start my journey with running. I have been pretty slow at it, but am still out there hitting the pavement, as they say. Did you ever wonder why someone runs? I've asked that question to friends and I have gotten a number of answers...keep in shape, help to loss weight, to get away from the family (ha ha)and many more. Everyone has a different reason. I now understand the "need" to run...the "want" to run...and just the "enjoy" of the run. Never thought it would happen to me, who knew? When I arrive home each day I want to go for a run, but am trying not to do too much too fast. I have decided to run a 5K and need to find one to sign up. My youngest daughter has agreed to be my partner. Hubby runs with me occasionally but with his terrible knees he cannot keep up the pace very long and then he suffers later. So wish me luck on my running journey and my goal of running a 5K. Wave to me when you see me on the street!!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Anniversary -My Gift
April 3rd was my 28th wedding anniversary. 28 years!!!!I cannot believe that it's been that long since I said "I do" so much has happened in 28 years and some days it seems like yesterday! My husband is a great he, like myself, have our faults, but who doesn't? But on Friday he racked up many bonus points! I arrived home from work and as I pulled in the driveway there was a car parked in front of the house I didn't recognize. It had plates and stickers on it, so I thought it was one of hubby's friends. I called hubby and asked "Who's car is this?" And he responded "It's your car!" I was stunned! I could not believe it. I kept saying to him, "You are lying, it's not mine, what have you done?" After I picked myself up off the floor and looked it's a 2008 Red Ford Mustang. We have been looking at cars for the last few months, it's about time for a new car around here. All our current cars are over 100K miles. So in this process I have driven a few cars, nothing special...until Friday when I pulled in my driveway. Do I deserve it? Probably not, do I love it? Of course I do!!!! Hubby now has earned many bonus points..he went out and did all the work for a new car by himself. Hubby I love you and thanks for 28 great years...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
GW 2010 Basket Weaving

Sorry it's been so long since I updated...wanted to catch you up on a few events this year.....In January I attended our annual Basket Weaving convention in our local area. 150 weavers set out on a three day weekend to weave until our fingers were sore. We did just that! It is such a great time to reconnect with friends old and new. My basket friends are some of my best friends. I made four beautiful baskets and had four great teachers. The weekend is a time of little sleep and lots of laughter...what fun we have....and it's always a great weekend. Thank you to all the volunteers that put the event ladies ROCK!!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The loss of life....
Sunday morning at 12am two neighborhood families lives were changed forever. While driving home from a party one 16 yr old lost his life and one 16 yr old will live with the regret that he caused the death of his friend. There was drinking involved and then it is rumored that they fell asleep, as there are no indications that they were braking before hitting a tree. The tree has a huge memorial that continues to grow. Cars are driving and stopping by at all hours. I pray for these two families, both of their lives are changed forever. I cannot imagine the pain they are experiencing. Everyday I have either ran or driven by and have looked at the memorial and each time my heart hurts. These two young men had their whole life in front of them and now....Everyone please tell your children you love them and please tell them not to drink and drive. Our children think they are invincible and we know that this is a myth...this week has shown that not to be true. Love to you all.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Admirals Hockey Game
Last night was my first ice hockey game. I was way too excited about this game. Started out my friend Jody is raising money for Relay for Life and was selling tickets. Purchased tickets for hubby and I, I've never been so thought it would be exciting. Years ago hubby would take our girls to the games when I worked on Friday nights, but I was never able to go. Anyway, tickets were purchased, Jody and I made plans for dinner and we were off. Dinner with friends, then the game. The game was not very exciting...the Admirals lost, and there were no fights! What's up with that? All I have ever heard was there are so many fights at ice hockey games, blood flying. teeth flying and lots of penalties. No blood, no teeth and only 2 penalties. The night was not a total loss, had a great dinner, with great drinks and great friends. As we left I told Jody, "I must come back to see a "real" exciting game". And I do plan on it. Happy Sunday everyone!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Empty Nest...
Today we moved my youngest daughter Amanda out of our house to an apartment. What an excited young lady she is....what a sad Mom and Dad that have been left behind. The day started out with a flurry of things to do....get our new ID cards, pack the truck and the two cars, get Amanda to the apartment complex by 11:00am, get the new dryer fixed and keep myself calm! ID cards done, truck and cars packed, Amanda made her appointment on time and then hubby waited for dryer guy. I took a load and when I arrived at the new apartment Amanda and her best friend Ashley were beaming with excitement! They had the keys and were just waiting to show me their newly painted two bedroom apartment 5 blocks from the oceanfront. Do you remember when you were young and had that dream to move out with your best friend and have tons of fun? Well these two girls have had this dream as long as I can remember. They had been best friends since elementary school and have always wanted to live together. Ashley has lived here at our home so much that I wanted to claim her as a dependant! And Amanda was at her home just as much! I do consider Ashley my 3rd daughter and love her as much!! So today when I saw these two with as much excitement as they had I realized that their dream has come true! How many of us can say that? We moved all their "stuff" into the apartment and of course they are on the second floor, so I did get my workout today up and down those stairs! After all the moving in, hubby and I took the girls to dinner at one of our favorite little oceanfront restaurants. Then had one more dresser to bring to the apartment. Once that was delivered and we were ready to go, I was about to lose it...but instead, gave both girls a huge hug, kissed them and told them I loved them both. As I walked out the door, the last thing I did say was, "Be sure to lock your door". The Mom in me just doesn't stop! :) The ride home was terrible...I wanted to cry, I wanted to turn around and go back, I wanted to rent the apartment next to them...but all I did was get into the truck and hubby drove me home. On the way down the interstate I said to hubby "20 yrs ago we came down this road to get our baby, and now we are going back down this road to drop her off and I don't like it one bit!" I can hardly believe it's been almost 20 years since I delivered that round faced sweet girl and now she's all grown up. It was difficult when my oldest moved out, she was the first and now with the youngest moving, well she's the last, the mini-mi... (she will laugh at that). Empty nesters we are now...what will I do with all this free time? I'm sure I'll figure out something but until then.......Good night my sweet girls, sleep tight and I love you!!!!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday Night....
Tonight has turned out to be a nice relaxing night. I made spaghetti tonight for the first time in over two years. Because of food allergies, the hubby has not been able to eat many foods, but tonight we tried spaghetti and it was delish!!! As of right now two hours later, he is fine. So we are watching a movie, eating popcorn and enjoying our evening. Why am I on the computer, well not sure. Ok, so I'm done here...hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy a night with your significant other.....
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My Happy Place....
I told a friend at work today that I was going to my "Happy Place". That place you visit in your mind when things just get a bit too much. We all have those places, whether it's a beach, mountain, forest, ocean or hot's all the same for us. Some would call these moments, meditation, some would call it vegging out, some would just call it dumb. Me, well...for me it's a moment to get away from whatever is in front of me at that time. Examples of when I need a minute away....nerve plucking co-workers, screaming children or a busy day when I just need a moment to unwind. This "mini' vacation can happen anywhere...just not when you are driving down the road! So my "Happy Place"'s on the beach, walking either at sunset or moon light, waves crashing around, a warm night....and I could be alone, walking with hubby, family or friends...but remember it's no talking!!! Hope you too have a happy place and visit there often!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Dress
Remember when you were a little girl and thinking about your wedding, do you remember the thought of the dress? I remember wanting the big Cinderella dress, the beautiful long white, huge gown. And when I married 28 years ago, it was totally different than I had imagined. Well daughter #1 is getting married April 2, 2011 and we are in the planning stages. She has everything planned out so far. Saturday was dress shopping day. She has tried dresses on a couple of times, but yesterday she found "The Dress". About 2 weeks ago we attended a fashion show at our local bridal shop to see new designs from a designer she has been following. As she tried dresses on, there was one that was perfect. She put the beautiful dress on, walked out and wow she was absolutely beautiful. I know that I am biased and yes I should be. :) As my daughter narrowed down her choices, she continued to go back to the one white dress that she felt like a Princess wearing. The dress was put on a second time and she wore it about 20-30 minutes around, walked, admired herself in the mirror, tried on veils, shoes, discussed hair dos, up dos, down dos and jewelry. She was so comfortable in the dress that we knew it was the one! So after our discussion ...."Are you sure this is the one?" discussion it was decided that we purchase the dress. And I did. Of course I did! My daughter was beaming with this purchase, she is so excited and so happy. The hubby and I are so excited for her. So as I walked out of the bridal shop we decided to check out other dresses and guess what? I found my dress. Yes, I did. As I put the dress on, my daughter immediately said, "Mom that is you!" And yes, it is me. I really like everything about the dress. I, too, will be purchasing my dress, soon. Now two dresses down, one more to go, (daughter#2's dress). This is such an exciting time, we are all enjoying it so much. Oh and as I told hubby about our purchase, his comment was "Don't tell me, I don't want to know!" He is too funny. He would buy the girls anything they wanted so it's a good thing I carry the checkbook!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Trip out West part 2
As our plane left Chicago it was snowing...yes more snow. Was I ever going to get out of the snow? Three hours (or so) later we arrived in San Diego. I was so glad to get off a plane and be somewhere! As I de-planed with my co-workers we were making bets that our luggage was making it's own trip...somewhere and we were right. We waited at the baggage carousel and the our bags never appeared. So to another counter we go. We all put in the paperwork and filed the claims and off to the rental car place we go. That part went uneventful, thankfully, we were so tired I don't think we could have taken much more. Next we checked into a great hotel on the beach. I opened up the door and looked right out to the waves crashing on the whole day just suddenly disappeared. What a great evening it was turning out to be. After a quick dinner and a trip to the drug store to pick up a few toiletries, sleep was calling my name. By the time I went to bed I had been up for 22 hours. No luggage, no clothes, no toiletries, but a beautiful view and no snow. The night was turning out to be great. Luckily, the next day was filled with meeting, we only had our airport clothes, which those at the meetings understood. Very productive day and when we returned to our hotel that evening, our luggage was waiting. Yes, it was there...I finally had my clothes and my hair products. That morning I had styled my hair with a blow dryer and my fingers! I did remember to carry on my makeup...if not, I would have been in a world of trouble! Over the next two days, I ate at great places, had great meetings and walks on the boardwalk...wonderful. We left to come back to the cold late on Thursday on the red-eye flight home. Uneventful on the flight home, we made all our connections, and our luggage came off the baggage carousel! The hubby was waiting at the end of the walkway as I came down and it was very good to see him. After being awake for so many hours, you just don't think straight and he was there to think for me. Thanks honey! It's always fun to go on a trip and it's always good to home back to home sweet home! Thanks to my co-workers for a great trip. Can't wait to see San Diego again!
Trip out West
This week was a very interesting week. Took a trip to San Diego for work. We, myself and two co-workers, took off at 6:15 am from Norfolk headed to Cincinnati then on to San Diego. Our drama started in Norfolk. It was very cold that day and we had to be "de-iced" before our plane could leave. We boarded the plane, the de-icing truck came by and was not working, so truck number two came by, and it wasn't working either. So now we are about 2 hours delayed and missing all our connecting flights. By this time passengers on the plane were getting very vocal and about 8-10 passengers got off the plane. I sat and watched and listened, what more could I do. At this point my stomach was starting to hurt, nerves, probably or maybe it was the fact that I had gotten up at 3:30am and had not eaten anything, I had planned breakfast in Cincinnati. The weather warmed up and we finally took off. The pilot and crew apologized numerous times. It wasn't their fault, it was the weather, truck mechanical and just ...well "stuff" happens. We arrived in a blowing, blizzard storm in Cincinnati with 3-5 inches of snow on the ground and ice. Our pilot was wonderful...he very carefully landed, no sliding, no shaking, no skidding. I just knew we would be sliding off the runway. As we walked into the terminal there were many people there and many upset people. Flights were being cancelled all over, tempers were high, and the airport workers were doing their best. We went up to the counter and proceeded to try to find a new flight. ......The drama continues....we were booked on a new airline, at a new terminal, in just 25 we all booked down the airport hall and headed to our gate as fast as our legs could carry. One of the gentlemen that traveled with me has a difficult time moving quickly, so I walked fast to make sure to hold the plane if needed. Well as we arrived, the plane had not even boarded, they too were running behind. We finally left, in the blowing blizzard snow and we were on our way to Chicago. I made the statement...maybe I'll see Oprah while in Chicago. :) My journey to San Diego will continue in my next post.....
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The last two days of being couped up here in the house because of the snow... we have eaten our weight in food. Tonight I am planning a nice dinner....ham, mashed potatoes and Grandma's green beans. Should be a nice dinner for the hubby, daughter #2 and I. It seems that when it snows and when you are locked in the is all you think about. Why can't I get motivated to do something else other than food??? Watching movies and food...see I can't stop talking about OK, I'm done...gotta run and finish I can eat some more. Hopefully I can go to the gym tomorrow!!! :)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
This morning we woke up to snow...snow...snow....Here in our area we get very little snow, so waking up to a winter wonderland! Our weathermen called for 6-12 inches of snow...and when they call for it, we don't listen. Unfortunately the weathermen have trouble around here with the ocean and they are incorrect many times. But this week they hit the jackpot with their prediction. At this minute we have about 6 inches and the snow is still falling. I have been receiving facebook posts, text messages and phone calls asking "How much snow did you get?" Snow it's the talk of the town and out of town! Remember when you were a small child and it snowed? How wonderful it felt to wake up to snow...I felt that same way this morning. I know I won't go out and play in it, but it is beautiful to look at and so exciting to see. I am very grateful that I do not have to drive in it. All those out there that must drive, take care and watch out for the other drivers. Me, I'm going to spend the rest of the day, watching movie, researching a trip to Key West and sitting around on my bum. Happy Snow Day!!!! (It will be gone soon!)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Basket Weaving Convention
This weekend was my annual basket weaving convention. This is a local event with 150 weavers and 20 teachers. Each year we have more fun than the last and this year was no exception. The chairman did an exceptional job. Old friends and new friends...that's what it's all about! I had three great teachers and made four beautiful baskets. When I returned home yesterday I was exhausted and last night slept very well. Thankfully I did not have to work today so I could sleep in and relax most of the day and that is just what I have done! I leave tomorrow morning for a trip to San Antonio for work and hopefully it will be a great time and great weather.
Hope you all have a great week and I'll post as I can.
Hope you all have a great week and I'll post as I can.
Monday, January 4, 2010
After the holidays.....
It was the first day back to work after the two weeks of holidays. Wow what a day!! Everyone wanted everything immediately. I work with many co-workers that take the two weeks of the holidays off, they have that use or lose vacation. That is great for them and one day I hope to be in that spot. But my use or lose will be taken during the summer months. My vacation is on a warm beach somewhere...not stuck home in the cold weather...yuck! Don't get me wrong I had a great time with my family but once I was home, I was glad to get back to work. You know I need that routine in my life. So today was back to routine. Once the initial shock of everyone invading my desk, I got back into the routine and it felt good. So I hope you had a great day and hope you were able to get back to your routine.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Basket Guild Meeting
Today was our monthly meeting of our Basket Guild. What a nice time I had there. This year I was appointed as Vice President and am now just starting my term. My President is a very excited and hard working woman, she can probably run circles around me. Normally we weave some type of project but today was a bit different, we had Movie Day. We watched a series of short tapes on basket weaving. I just love my basket friends, many years ago they all greeted me when I didn't know a sole and they have all welcomed me with open arms. When I leave a meeting I always feel the love. There are a number of members that are "huggers", they just love to give hugs and I always appreciate it! And to tell you the truth, as I get older I am becoming a hugger. It is so nice to greet someone you really want to see with a hug!
My basket friends are really the best. Back to my meeting, it was a great meeting and a great time to spend on this cold January day with good friends. Hope you all had a great day and hope you were able to stay warm!!!
My basket friends are really the best. Back to my meeting, it was a great meeting and a great time to spend on this cold January day with good friends. Hope you all had a great day and hope you were able to stay warm!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year....2010
Happy New Year Everyone!!!! Last night we had our annual New Year's Eve party. Hubby and I started hosting a party about 3 years ago or so. A bunch of our Remote Control Airplane friends were sitting around at a Christmas Party and started talking about New Years...everyone said we are not doing anything, so Hubby and I said, come on over to our house and lets hang out together. So that started the annual party. This year was another fun time. I love to entertain. So yesterday I hit the grocery store with my list of goodies, hit the ABC store for my special beverages and then came home to get ready. Daughter #1 came over and helped clean, thank you Daughter! I made a bunch of goodies and printed off the recipe for my new drink. I was all ready by 7:00pm and the guests started arriving. It is so much fun to just hang out with people that you enjoy. We talk, laugh, eat and drink. And this year we played Wii....what fun that was.
New Years night is a night to reflect on what good has happened to us in the last year and be thankful for all that we have been given. Last night after everyone left and I went to bed, I was laying there thinking that I am sooooo thankful for my family and friends. I have a great life and love every minute of it!!! So to all my family and friends....Happy 2010!!! I love you all!!!
New Years night is a night to reflect on what good has happened to us in the last year and be thankful for all that we have been given. Last night after everyone left and I went to bed, I was laying there thinking that I am sooooo thankful for my family and friends. I have a great life and love every minute of it!!! So to all my family and friends....Happy 2010!!! I love you all!!!
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