Sunday, June 28, 2009


Veterans...I know and love many Veterans and have a major special place in my heart for them all. This week we lost WWII Veteran. A dear friend of mine died this week. I met him about 18 years ago while working at a local bank. He and his wife came in and opened an account with us. He was the customer of another account rep and one day she wasn't there, he came to me, ever since that day we became fast friends. He was a retired Navy Chief, and he retired in the 1960's. When the hubby made Chief I was the proud wife and told my friend, the next day he came into the bank and gave me a little box. Enclosed were two Chief's pins for the hubby's pinning ceremony. The hubby and I could not have been happier to have the pins passed down from a Veteran. I eventually left the bank, but did not forget him and his wife. Through Christmas cards, a visit and an occasional card through out the year, we kept up with each other's lives. Last year he lost his beloved wife of 57 years. It was a devastating blow to my friend. This has been a tough year for him. A couple of months ago he became ill and last week he was reunited with his wife. I attended the viewing for him and was so very proud to have known him. As I talked with his daughter I understood him a little bit better. He was always giving back. Once a month he went to the commissary and would spend $150.00 and purchase can goods, then take them to the local food bank. He would buy items for those in need. He gave back where he could. What a great person I knew. I am thankful for knowing Mr. B. and thankful for his service in the Navy. Mr. B. I hope you are dancing with Mrs. B. right now!!! I'll miss you.

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