Friday, January 9, 2009

Hot Water Tank..isn't there hot water in there?

A couple of months ago I went to the garage and there it was a puddle of water right below the hot water tank. Hubby came out to investigate and sure enough the hot water tank was leaking. We ate a quick dinner and went right up to the local store to purchase a new bright and shiny tank. Hubby was investigating our options....50 or 40 gallons....a number of BTU's or something like that, only thing I was worried about... was the water going to be hot????
We made the purchase, came home and the next day hubby installed it and we had hot water...thank goodness. You would think the story ended there....not.....over the next couple of months I have repeatedly told hubby, "Can you turn the temp up on the tank, the water just never gets really hot." Finally after having 3 neighbors, 2 friends and an investigation on the web, hubby called for a maintenance man. Last Friday at 8:30 am, a really nice man came out, he unhooked everything and could not find the problem after 1 1/2 hours, the recommendation was a new tank. Now he tells hubby, "Here is a receipt, you will receive a call in the next 2-3 hours and our next level of warrenty workers will help you get your problem fixed." 2-3 HOURS...Did I tell you we had not gotten up early enough to shower? Did I tell you I had not even brushed my teeth? Did I tell you we didn't even have water for anything??? I was a mess. Hubby was running around grumbling after about a hour. I had about 1/2 a pitcher in the fridge of water, used that to brush my teeth, hubby too. Another hour went by and hubby was climbing the walls by this time, so he called the 1-800 number of the store, to hear a recording say "All our computers are down, please call back Monday." MONDAY....we don't have any water...MONDAY were they CRAZY...I was putting away a box of Christmas decorations and I noticed my truck backing up to the garage, hubby had finshed disconnecting the hot water tank and was throwing it in the back of the truck. And next thing I new he was leaving. ...Oh my gosh...If I had known anyone at that store I would have given them a courtesy call and had the meet him at the door! You know how upset men get when things just don't go their way...and hubby was ready to blow on someone! About 10 mintues after he left the 1-800 number customer service of the story is that hubby picked up the tank at the store, didn't get upset with anyone, brought it home, installed it and by 4:00pm we had hot runing water!!! You don't realize what you are missing until it's not working!!! Hubby is wonderful at things around the house, as long as it's going his way...but let something not go his way and wow he gets a bit miffed!!!!

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