As always it was a great Christmas for our family. The stress of getting to the day, Christmas Day is always a bit rough, but as I say, each year by the time we arrive at my parents house, we are ready. This year we had a new addition, daughter #2's boyfriend spent his Christmas Day with us. That was a nice treat. We had to fun of watching my 2 1/2 yr old niece experience the fun of opening the gifts and the surprise each time she found out the contents inside. We watched my sister in law tear up, as she does each year. And I watched my hubby open his gift and there was true excitement..I finally got something he didn't expect and wanted. (an IPad!)
All my family was around me and as I watched each one open their gift I realized how blessed I am. It's always stressful getting there, but I am so happy I do it each and every year!