My Front Yard
We survived and the power is back on...Whoohooo!!! Hurricane Irene came in on Saturday night, she brought 20 inches of water into my attached garage, 4 inches from entering my house. She blew 30 inches into my shed and back garage and she brought me much stress! Saturday our power went out at about 11:00 am and returned today, Monday, at 1:00pm. You forget how much you "Love" electricity. Cold showers, one TV (yes, one TV), a lamp and no AC. My house had extention cords running everywhere from here and there and out to the generator on the back deck. And sleeping to the hum of generators in the night. I am thankful that we had only minor damage and that no one was hurt. My heart goes out to those with damage and that have lost loved ones.
Tonight I will sleep in the cool AC and get up in the morning to a nice warm shower. Life is good!!!

My Baby taking cover under the wing of a B-17

Even a Hurricane could not stop the Postman..thank you Postman