Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today I picked up Mallori's wedding portriat, wow she looks so beautiful and so very happy. As a Mom that is all I want for her, to be happy. I can still remember the day that little 6 pounder was born. She took her time getting here and from that day forward she has done things her way, and only her way. This is the child that would try my patience, only because she wanted to do things her way. Mallori is very head strong, she gets that after her Dad, :) When she decides something, she does not quit until she does it her way. I admire that about her. She has grown up to be quite the beautiful young woman! When she decided to be a nurse, she did it!
Well 11 days to go and we will have a son. We are all so excited about this day, I just hope I can hold it together and now cry like a crazy Mom! :) I'm sure I'll be good. I hope. Mallori we are so proud of you! Love you bunches!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mallori's Bridal Shower

Me, Mallori and Amanda

In two weeks my oldest daughter Mallori will be married...Wow...married...does she know what she is doing? Probably not, but did any of us know what we were doing when we married? We are all so very excited about the wedding and marriage and just it all. My Mom and Sister threw Mallori a Bridal Shower a week ago. They did such a wonderful job. We had games, gifts, food, friends and family, what more could we ask for? She received a ton of really nice gifts and was excited with them all.
The next few weeks will be crazy and I'll be sure to post a wedding photo or 10! It's hard to believe it's almost here and I'm trying to enjoy it all. Happy Wedding Mallori and Anthony, we love you!

NCBA 2011

I just returned from my annual North Carolina Basket Convention. What a great time was had by all. I rode with my good friend Billie. She and I have been riding together for a few years now and I really do enjoy it. Our guild made a great showing with over 50 members attending, 8 members receiving awards and 10 members receiving door prizes. My roommate Jamie was a really enjoyable roommate, thank you Jamie!I had two great teachers and made three beautiful baskets. I am finally home, a little less jingle in my pocketbook, but I'm home and will sleep great tonight in my own bed. Thanks all for a great time. Already looking forward to next year!!