Today was the day, I did it, I ran my first 5K run. It was soooo incredibly exciting! Crossing the finish line...I did it!!!! Let me back up a bit, you know I have been training for a 5K and just have not been able to actually sign up. I have searched the local races, thought I would sign up for this race or that race and just never made the commitment. Friday I was watching our local morning news channel and one of the anchors mentioned an Independence Day race benefiting the YMCA and the best part was you could sign up the day of the race. I thought a moment, OK maybe I will, maybe I won't. I still could not commit. Then I told my sister I was going to do it, well after you tell someone you have to go through with it! I would have looked like silly had I not. I told hubby and he was all for it. The hard part was going to be waking up so early, we needed to by there around 6:30am to register. Then Saturday night we attended the Tidewater Tides Baseball Game. Fun game and the Tides won, well the game didn't get over until around 10:30-11:00 pm, then a nice fireworks show, then the drive home and then trying to sleep. The anticipation was getting to me, I saw the clock hit 1:00am! My alarm went off at 5:00am and I was awake and nervous. After showering, makeup, hair, light breakfast and a few trips to the ladies room, I was ready to go. Hubby asked, "why are you doing your makeup and hair?" My reply, "Two reasons, pictures and you never know who you might see!" We drove over to the YMCA, I registered and then waited, and that was getting to me. Finally it was time to line up and get ready for the start. The gun was fired and the bunch of us started running. I remember that everything I read was to not pace yourself with everyone, you can burn your energy really quick. I kept playing that in my head, so I was the slow girl in the back for about the first mile. Then the second and third mile I was moving up the line, I kept my continued pace and kept saying, "I just want to cross the finish line!" And in 36.25 minutes I did it! I really did it! Hubby was waiting there so proud and taking pictures for me. I really am proud of myself. I have never been a runner and then a friend motivated me to start training. I put my mind to it and I did it! I told hubby on the way home, "Now I want to sign up for another one!" On my goodness, we have created a monster! And I'm loving it!!! Happy 4th of July Everyone...I am proud to be an American!