Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday...don't you just love them? The anticipation of the weekend, a day off, the jam packed day of errands and just hanging around. Fridays is one of my favorite days. When you are working on Friday that feeling of ok, it's the last day at work and when I get to go home...awww two days off. Now when you take Friday the weekend just gets better and better. I work for a company that has an alternate work schedule, every other Friday we have off. And you would be amazed how wonderful it has turned out to be! I schedule so many things on that day. Then on Saturday and Sunday I can play! Right now my flower beds are in need of major attention, so my plan is to tackle them this weekend. I am getting all my running around and cleaning done today and then tomorrow and Sunday play in the yard. We will see if my plan can be executed correctly. But you know I must be flexible, because something will come up and then plans will be changed! Have a great day all my friends and hope to see you outside this weekend! Oh and call me if plans change! :)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Jackson...Good Bye
On April 19, 2010, we said good bye to our beloved, faithful Jackson. It has been a very tough week for us all. I have cried more this week than in years. Let me give you the details....on Thursday of last week we noticed that Jackson was not eating well and it was getting harder and harder for him to walk. On Saturday I went to Richmond and the hubby said Jackson did not much eat that day. Sunday was my Grandfather's 90th birthday party, my hubby drove up for the day. Our neighbor checked in on Jackson and Jackson was not doing well. When we arrived home I could look at him and tell it was very serious. He would not get up and was not eating at all. Hubby and I knew what Monday would bring and we made sure our girls said their good byes that night. It was a very sad night with many tears. We slept in the living room, on the floor with Jackson. He wanted to go outside a few times, and then was so weak that he would lay down in the yard,unable to get up. Hubby had to carry him back into the house. It was so hard to see him like that. I spoke with the vet and he asked that we come into the office on Monday morning and he was so comforting and offered help during the night, if needed. We knew what Monday would bring and we were so upset over it. Monday morning we picked up our sweet dog and put him in the hubby's truck and as I rode in the back with him I continued to pet him and just talk to him. His eyes were so tired and I could tell he was in pain. As we sat in the room the vet had prepared for us I could not help but think of all the fun times I have had with the "found" puppy. He has brought so much joy to our lives over the 13 years. As I sat on the floor and he took his last breath all I could do was hold him and cry. And I was crying for me, not him....he was not scared, and I knew he was in a better place.
Yesterday I went to the vets office and picked up Jackson's ashes. And to my surprise the vet had made a paw print in plaster. I couldn't contain my tears, it was so good to see something that was him...that I could touch and know he had touched it. Does that sound silly? Crazy? I don't know, but it has given me comfort. Jackson is back home with us, where he belongs. We will miss you my sweet dog, I love you and know that you are chasing the squirrels in heaven! Oh and be sure to say "woof" to Sandy, she was our first dog and she is missed too.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Running-who knew????
All my life I have always wanted to be a runner. I would drive or walk down the road and see the runners pass me and wish that was me. As I have gotten more "mature" I have decided to set some goals and running has been on the top of that list. So about 6 months ago I decided it was time to start my journey with running. I have been pretty slow at it, but am still out there hitting the pavement, as they say. Did you ever wonder why someone runs? I've asked that question to friends and I have gotten a number of answers...keep in shape, help to loss weight, to get away from the family (ha ha)and many more. Everyone has a different reason. I now understand the "need" to run...the "want" to run...and just the "enjoy" of the run. Never thought it would happen to me, who knew? When I arrive home each day I want to go for a run, but am trying not to do too much too fast. I have decided to run a 5K and need to find one to sign up. My youngest daughter has agreed to be my partner. Hubby runs with me occasionally but with his terrible knees he cannot keep up the pace very long and then he suffers later. So wish me luck on my running journey and my goal of running a 5K. Wave to me when you see me on the street!!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Anniversary -My Gift
April 3rd was my 28th wedding anniversary. 28 years!!!!I cannot believe that it's been that long since I said "I do" so much has happened in 28 years and some days it seems like yesterday! My husband is a great he, like myself, have our faults, but who doesn't? But on Friday he racked up many bonus points! I arrived home from work and as I pulled in the driveway there was a car parked in front of the house I didn't recognize. It had plates and stickers on it, so I thought it was one of hubby's friends. I called hubby and asked "Who's car is this?" And he responded "It's your car!" I was stunned! I could not believe it. I kept saying to him, "You are lying, it's not mine, what have you done?" After I picked myself up off the floor and looked it's a 2008 Red Ford Mustang. We have been looking at cars for the last few months, it's about time for a new car around here. All our current cars are over 100K miles. So in this process I have driven a few cars, nothing special...until Friday when I pulled in my driveway. Do I deserve it? Probably not, do I love it? Of course I do!!!! Hubby now has earned many bonus points..he went out and did all the work for a new car by himself. Hubby I love you and thanks for 28 great years...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
GW 2010 Basket Weaving

Sorry it's been so long since I updated...wanted to catch you up on a few events this year.....In January I attended our annual Basket Weaving convention in our local area. 150 weavers set out on a three day weekend to weave until our fingers were sore. We did just that! It is such a great time to reconnect with friends old and new. My basket friends are some of my best friends. I made four beautiful baskets and had four great teachers. The weekend is a time of little sleep and lots of laughter...what fun we have....and it's always a great weekend. Thank you to all the volunteers that put the event ladies ROCK!!!!
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