I have been out of touch for the last week, was in California for a work conference. I flew out last Sunday. The flight was good, not too much drama, until I got to CA and went to pick up my bag...no bag...I waited to report it and guess what my bag went to Salt Lake City...without me! The Delta rep. assured me that my bag would be on the next flight to CA and would be delivered to my hotel. I prayed that she was right! I told my male co-workers that they would be taking me shopping for make up and conference clothes if not. You know you think about all the stuff that you take with you, make up, work clothes, heels, play clothes, contact cleanser and such. If I didn't get my bag, well I guess I would be spending a lot of money to replace everything. So in the mean time, we picked up our rental car, went to dinner, checked in the hotel, took a test drive to the conference and still no bag. I decided to go to my room and wait it out. About 9 pm on Sunday night the bellman arrived with my bag...I could have kissed him! If he was Toby Keith or Jon Bon Jovi or maybe Johnny from General Hospital, I might have! :) I was never so glad to see my beat up, black, zippered suitcase. The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. We worked during the day and went out a few of the nights. Ate at a couple of really great places...Villa Nova Italian, in Newport Beach...excellent! And Las Casa Garcia Mexican in Anaheim, also wonderful. Then it was time to come home....not too bad...other than a little turbulence and me grabbing the sleeping man next to me, scared him awake!! When I got off the plane and walked down the runway it was very nice to see my sweet hubby there waiting for me. After all these years, he still makes my heart jump when I see him!!! Love you hubby! For those 22 years of dropping him off and picking him up at Navy ships and airports, turn around is fair play!! Oh and yes my luggage made it home too!